Thermal-magnetic molded case circuit breakers are the most common overcurrent protection devices. Their primary functions are to provide a means to manually open a circuit and automatically open a circuit under overload or short circuit conditions. Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers use bimetals and electromagnetic assemblies to provide overcurrent protection. Their characteristic inverse time tripping under overload conditions is ideally suited for many applications varying from residential to heavy industrial loads. For higher level (short circuit) overcurrents, instantaneous trip characteristics allow molded case circuit breakers to interrupt with no intentional delay. This compression lug kit is for LAL/LHL/Q4L breakers have a wire range of 4 AWG- 300 kcmil and come with 2 lugs per kit. This system provides 40 spaces in a NEMA 1 enclosure and it is Plug-on neutral load center. CQO load centers are CSA certified.
Circuit breaker accessory, compression lug kit, LA/LH/Q4, 2 lugs, aluminum, 1 inch
Circuit breaker accessory, compression lug kit, LA/LH/Q4, 2 lugs, aluminum, 1 inch
SKU: 15807038
Category: Circuit Breakers
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